Dakota Samarco Benefit Events

The Woodward community has continued to root on, uplift, and rally around Woodward High School senior Dakota Samarco and his family. Other communities have pitched in as well. Woodward’s road trip to Guthrie saw a bucket pass in between the 1st and 2nd quarter of the game two weeks ago and $1,477.10 raised for Dakota as he fights his way through rehab. Newcastle will do a similar kind act during Friday’s game against Woodward. Two benefits have been organized for Dakota that are set to take place this Saturday, September 17th. The following is the rundown on both events and how people in the community can come together for this worthwhile cause.


  • Place: 1000 Hills Ranch Church Arena located 3 miles south on 8th Street on the West side of the road. Supporters are encouraged to bring their own lawn chair. Event begins at 4pm.
  • Events during benefit: Carnival games begin at 4pm ($1 per ticket) which includes a dunk tank. A Chili supper takes place at 5pm where donations are taken for the meal. A volleyball tournament begins at 6pm where entry is $60 per team and you must have a girl on the team. Goat roping signups start at 6pm with a $10 per team entry followed by rope at 7pm. Finally the night caps off with an arena dance at 9pm which is $5 per ticket.


  • Place: The Corner Lounge located at 601 Main Street in Woodward. Event begins at 5pm.
  • Events during benefit: There will be a 50/50 raffle and a potluck dinner with a $5 minimun donation. Various tournaments for pool, darts, and horseshoes will take place with signups beginning at 6pm which include a $10 buy-in.